1·Long is Britain's best-known Land Artist and his Stone Circle, a perfect ring of purplish rocks from Portishead beach laid out on the gallery floor, represents the elegant, rarefied side of the form.
2·Wagon trains — groups of wagons — rode in four lines across the land when they passed through dangerous country. If attacked, the wagons could quickly form a circle for defense.
3·It fashioned a flag of its own in the form of a circle of stars, and its logo is displayed on car license plates and on the beaches.
4·As the idea has gained ground that the euro zone might form an eu inner circle, so Europe itself has come to seem more important to Poland.
5·38 stones of different shapes and sizes form this circle.
6·Within a small social circle, such personal recommendations are a powerful form of marketing.
7·He is a longtime friend of Ahmadinejad, a relative by marriage, and a member of his innermost circle, a coterie so tight as to form a faction within a faction in Iran's ruling establishment.
8·We were directed to form a circle--which we did.
9·We timed it - it takes less than 10 seconds to form a flat circle and throw it on the grill!
10·Basically like "basic symbols from the life circle", color and form comes from life and health or real or mental association.